“6” Secrets to Antiaging

1) You are what you eat as the saying goes. Inflammation is one  main culprit to try and reduce. Sugar, trans fat, refined carbohydrates, excess alcohol and processed meats are things to reduce in eating habits. 


2) Never enough hydration to nourish the largest organ in your body…SKIN
Drink lots of  water (coffee and tea not a substitute) about ½ -1 ounce per pound body weight

3) Exercise will restore and maintain blood supply to the areas of potential aging. Skin of the face, body and hands. Avoid tobacco use.

4) Skin care such as the retinoids, moisturizers and sun protection to slow down aging or actually reverse it. Once you stop these measures, aging will accelerate with each birthday.

5) Sleep…7-8hrs per day

6) Plastic surgery with natural results is best suited when all else fails. Contact a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon.  239-348-4357


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