Give Your Chin The Birdman of Alcatraz Treatment

Burt Lancaster. Now there’s a strong chin. His chin makes weak chins run for cover when they see him in famous movies like The Birdman of Alcatraz.
After watching a Lancaster (or Kirk Douglas for that matter) movie, you may go into the bathroom and look at your weak chin, wishing it were stronger. Well, it can be with chin augmentation from Dr. Turk.
A stronger chin
Our chin. It’s such a prominent part of the face. For many of us, we’ve never been happy with its lack of profile. Some people even see their chin as receding. Chin surgery is usually used for augmentation, but is can also reduce a chin that is overly large or protrudes too much.
What’s the procedure like?
Dr. Turk has two choices for where to make the incision to insert the implant(s). He can make the incision under the chin (submental) or inside the mouth (intraoral). Implants come in different shapes and are usually made of medical-grade silicone or polyethylene. To prepare for the implant, Dr. Turk makes a pocket in the connective tissue inside the chin, being careful to avoid the major nerve in the area. The procedure is pretty straightforward, taking just 30 to 45 minutes.
Dr. Turk can also perform what is known as genioplasty, a repositioning of the chin bones to achieve the desired projection or to reduce size. This procedure takes more time and involves more recovery.
Surgical chin augmentation is a permanent procedure. Chin augmentation can also be achieved with dermal fillers, particularly Perlane and Restylane. Unlike implants, fillers provide only temporary results as the body absorbs the filler material over time. Still, fillers can be a great way for a patient to “demo” a new chin before opting to have the permanent solution of implants.
Obviously, your results are immediate. Dr. Turk may tape a compression garment over your chin to help minimize swelling over your first few days. Patients typically feel slight numbness in the chin and the lips, as well as swelling and bruising in the area after the procedure. This generally passes in a few days. Most patients can return to work and day-to-day activities in a week or so.
Want to add some backbone to that weak chin? Give it the Burt Lancaster treatment with chin augmentation. Call Dr. Turk at 239-348-4357 to schedule a consultation.


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