Leave the Bat Wings to DC Comics. Get an Arm Lift!

Don’t you wish your skin sometimes had Kevlar in it? Not only would it come in handy for police officers, but the rest of us could preclude some of the inevitable sagging that happens just about everywhere on our bodies as we age.
This sagging results from a combination of causes. Our body cuts its production of collagen by one percent every year after the age of 20. Add up that cut over time and the decrease gets ugly! Plus, elastin, the protein in the skin responsible for the suppleness of the skin, also drops with age and sun damage. The combination leaves your skin saggy and it particularly shows in certain areas such as under your upper arms.
Bat wings anyone? And this is no Buffalo Wild Wings commercial!
Yes, the dreaded “bat wings” get their lovely moniker due to the way the underside of the upper arms can become downright flappy with advancing age. And no matter how many triceps exercises you throw at them, often your upper arm skin won’t respond. This is especially true if you’ve gained and lost a fair amount of weight. As we age, the skin simply won’t recover to its former degree of tautness.
And, while bat wings are fine for next month’s DC Comics Batman book, they have no place in your life. Fortunately, an arm lift from Dr. Turk can give you back firmer, more contoured arms.
Who should get an arm lift?
If your loose, flappy upper arms bother you, it’s probably time for an arm lift. If you avoid wearing sleeveless blouses the way Donald Trump avoids advice from Miss Manners, it may be time for an arm lift.
An arm lift could be a good procedure for you if you have loose, excess, or sagging skin on your upper arms that doesn’t respond to exercise. Or, if you’ve lost lots of weight, yet the excess skin on your upper arms didn’t go away with the weight, an arm lift can help.
The procedure
The goal of an arm lift with Dr. Turk is to eliminate the excess skin and fat from the upper arms, creating a more contoured appearance. An incision is made on either the bottom of your arm or the backside. It runs from the elbow to the armpit. Dr. Turk will usually use liposuction to remove excess fat, while tightening the underlying muscles and removing excess skin. If you don’t have too much excess skin, he may opt to perform a minimal incision arm lift, which uses only small incisions near the underarm area to tighten the upper arm. With either method, when the procedure is complete, you’ll go home with compression garments around your upper arms to help them adapt to their new tighter contour.
Most arm lift patients return to work after one week, and can resume normal exercise and activity within a month. Scars will fade over the next 18 months to where they will not be overly noticeable.
So, leave the bat wings to the comic books and break out those sleeveless dresses again with an arm lift. Call Dr. Turk at Naples Cosmetic Surgery, 239-348-4357, and schedule a consultation for an arm lift.


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