Opting For Smaller Breasts

Having overly large breasts can be a literal pain. Their weight can cause neck and back pain. Their size can lead to avoiding social situations. And while many women today are opting for larger breasts with augmentation surgery, women with really large natural breasts often wish they could have smaller breasts.

Dr. Turk performs breast reduction surgery to make a woman’s breasts more proportional with the rest of her figure. February is a good time for this procedure, as well, as you’ll be recovered in time to show off your new proportional figure on Naples beaches come summer.

Why Would A Woman Want To Reduce Her Breast Size?

To a woman with smaller breasts than she would like, it can seem counterintuitive for someone to want smaller breasts. But the fact is overly large breasts can be difficult to deal with. The weight alone can cause back and neck pain, even leading to a hunched posture. Bra straps dig into the skin. The breasts can keep a woman from participating in certain types of exercise.

What Is Breast Reduction?

Reduction surgery with Dr. Turk is known as reduction mammaplasty. The procedure involves the removal of excess skin, fat, and tissue from the breasts. The goal is to make the breasts more proportionate to the rest of the figure and to eliminate any discomfort they cause. Breast reduction can feel like a burden has been lifted from a woman and change her overall outlook.

How Is The Procedure Done?

Dr. Turk usually makes an “anchor” incision with reduction surgery. This incision circles the nipple-areolar complex, drops down vertically from the nipple to the crease at the bottom of the breast, and then extends horizontally along the bottom of the breast. He aims to preserve glandular tissue and its connection to the nipples, so that a woman can retain sensitivity and the ability to breastfeed. In cases of moderate reduction needs, Dr. Turk may be able to eliminate the outer portions of the anchor incision, instead simply circling the areolae and dropping straight down to the breast crease.

After making the incision, he removes excess breast tissue, fat, and skin. If the nipples are very large, he will reduce their size and move them to a higher position on the breasts. Liposuction may also be used if the breasts have a good deal of fatty tissue.

What Is Recovery Like?

After reduction surgery, the patient will wear a surgical bra to decrease swelling and support the breasts. After the initial week, a support bra will need to be worn 24 hours a day for at least one month. This is to keep all stress off of your incisions, which improves their healing and future visibility. There will be some pain for the first three to four days, but it is manageable with pain medication. Most women can return to work within a week, and can get back to most normal activities within one month. Strenuous exercise, particularly jogging or aerobics, will probably need to wait six weeks.

If you’re tired of your overly large breasts, literally and figuratively, a Naples winter could be a good time to have Dr. Turk reduce your breasts. Call us at (239) 348-4357 to schedule a consultation.


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