Say Goodbye to Unwanted Fat Cells

Body with marked zones for liposuction Unless you’re a marathon runner, odds are you have pockets of unwanted fat that is almost impossible to get rid of through diet and exercise. A million crunches later and that fat on your tummy is still there.

Liposuction is the way to get rid of the fat for good. Dr. Turk uses laser-assisted and ultrasound-assisted liposuction to help our patients from Naples and across the lower Gulf Coast slim their contour.

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction was invented by an Italian gynecologist in 1974. It was further developed in France around 1978. The procedure first start being performed in the U.S. in the 1980s. Since those early days, modern liposuction has come a long way.

The early procedure was done with a large cannula to suction out the fat. Patients had to be under general anesthesia, as the cannula needed to be moved back and forth quick violently under the skin to break loose the fat cells before suctioning them away. This created a good deal of bleeding and subsequent bruising and tissue trauma. Bruising after liposuction performed in the 80s and 90s could linger for a couple months.

Today, Dr. Turk uses a very small cannula, so small its insertion only requires a very small incision that usually doesn’t require any sutures; it’s closed with a small bandage in most cases.

The tumescent method is common today. A mixture of saline solution, epinephrine, and Lidocaine is injected into the area to be treated. This has various benefits. First, it swells the skin in the area, making access much easier. The epinephrine acts to constrict the blood vessels and fat cells. This limits bleeding and bruising, and it makes the fat cells easier to break loose and remove. Finally, the Lidocaine provides local anesthetic across the treatment area.

The addition of laser light energy or ultrasound energy further improves the procedure. Both energy sources work to break loose and liquefy some of the fat cells, making removal even easier.

Return to Work

Our Naples Cosmetic Surgery patients can usually return to work in just two to three days after having liposuction. Recovery is not that difficult.

Interested in getting rid of some pockets of unwanted fat? Call Dr. Turk at (239) 316-1689 to schedule a consultation for liposuction.


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