Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Cosmetic Breast Surgery in Naples FL

Naples Cosmetic Surgery Center specializes in an array of cosmetic breast procedures. Our practice serves Naples, FL and the surrounding areas. Click on the breast procedures below to learn more:

Thousands of people consider plastic surgery each year, but many are hesitant to actually undergo their chosen procedure because of worry over what the results will actually look like. We understand this hesitation that many patients experience, and are proud to offer an advanced solution that allows patients to accurately visualize the results of their procedure before even committing to surgery. Read More

Breast augmentation is one of the most frequently performed cosmetic surgery procedures in the U.S. and one of our most popular services. Breast augmentation can give women with small or unevenly sized breasts a fuller, firmer, better-proportioned look through the placement of saline or silicone implants in the breast. Read More

Breast augmentation surgery (breast enlargement/breast enhancement) carries many of the same risks associated with other types of surgeries, such as adverse reactions to anesthesia, post-operative bleeding (hematoma), infection, swelling, fluid accumulation (seroma), redness, and pain. However, there are short- and long-term complications specific to breast implants that all breast augmentation patients should be aware of. Read More

Breast Lift, also known as mastopexy, is a surgical procedure performed to raise and reshape breasts that have sagged as a result of aging, pregnancy, weight loss, gravity or other factors. By trimming excess skin and tightening supporting tissue, patients can achieve an uplifted, youthful breast contour. Read More

Women with large breasts who are unhappy with their appearance and/or want to treat symptoms such as back pain, breathing problems and poor posture may benefit from breast reduction surgery. This procedure removes fat and glandular tissue from the breast while tightening skin to produce smaller breasts that are more comfortable and in healthier proportion to the rest of the body. Read More

The overdevelopment of male breasts, also known as gynecomastia, affects an estimated 40 to 60 percent of men. This condition may be caused by a hormonal imbalance, side effects from drugs, or may occur for no particular reason at all. Read More


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Monday - Thursday: 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM -12:00 PM
Sat - Sunday: Closed

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